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Why Mom's Self-Care Is Important

Moms matter most

By Sasha McGregorPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Mothers all over the internet are becoming more vocal about suffering from postpartum depression for years after having children. It is important that, as a mother, you are taking care of your mental health so you are being the best mother you can be. There are a variety of ways that you can practice self-care and a multitude of reasons that you should be practicing it. If you are someone who is in denial regarding how much self-care you actually need, then here are just a couple of the reasons you should be taking better care of yourself.

You’ll Be A Happier Wife And Mother

You are more than likely responsible for everything, or at least close to everything, that happens in your home. This can be an overwhelming task for one person. That is why it is important for you to be taking time to yourself. If you aren’t taking the necessary time to care for yourself, you will become irritable and grouchy. So, if you are not taking time for yourself, you are going to project those onto your husband and children, and nobody wants that.

Constantly Going Without A Break Can Lead To Weight Gain

If you are constantly under stress, your body is going to start releasing more cortisol into the bloodstream. When there is too much cortisol in your bloodstream, it will cause your body to start storing fat in the waist area. This can not only cause some people to lose confidence, but it is just not healthy to begin with. It will increase your risk of developing cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes, just to name a few problems. You want to make sure you are taking care of your health, so you can stay healthy and active to watch your children grow old.

Start With Something Small

You don’t have to take a full weekend getaway as your first step into self-care. Start by doing something little, like reading a book every evening or taking the night off from cooking one evening out of the week. It is the little things that can make the biggest difference in your mental health. If you are stressing over what to cook or that clean laundry that is stacking up, you are going to have a hard time taking time out for yourself. Try to start taking a bath every night, do a face mask once a week, or other little acts of self-care that will help you decompress.

Build A Good Support System

A good support system can really improve your overall life. They can help alleviate some of the stress that you may be experiencing. Whenever you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, then you can just call one of your supportive friends or family members to vent or have them watch your kids for a while. It is always good to have supportive friends, regardless of if you have kids or not.

You Shouldn’t Have To Give Anything You Love Up

Before you had children, you had hobbies. Whether you liked to run, go out with your girlfriends, get a massage, or specialized skin care. There are many influencers on social media to give you some ideas for some great self-care tips. One of the most influential people for skincare and aesthetics is Beverly Hills MD on Instagram. Take a look at other peoples social media to get some ideas on facials, treatments, or anything else you can imagine that is a form of self-care.

You Should Take Time For Yourself, No Matter What

Regardless of what you have going on, you should be taking time to care for yourself. If you are not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to be the best version of yourself, and nobody wants that. There are so many ways to practice self-care, so just find whatever works best for you and makes you feel better and do it.


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