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Meeting My Dad Again

Divorced Parents

By Courtney KellerPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

This is the story of how I met my dad, again. When I was six years old I stopped seeing my dad. I never honestly knew why. I only heard one side of the story, my mom's side. Her story was that he never wanted to see us again. When my mom and dad divorced, he found a new wife. The court ordered in the divorce that my dad was supposed to visit us every other summer. He did until he got married. After he got married we only saw him twice. The last time I saw him was when I was six years old. I do not remember a lot about the visits with my dad. The last thing I remember is our last visit when he had a son. He said it was the son he always wanted. That made no sense because he already had a son, my actual brother. That was our last visit.

I always questioned why we did not see him again. I knew my mom's story but I truly wanted to believe it was a lie. I mean, how could I have a father that wanted nothing to do with me? After he had his son, he never contacted us again. I guess he was busy. Me, being a new mom knew how hard it was to deal with a baby. I stopped believing he was just busy eleven years later. He still did not contact us.

I turned eighteen, and I finally heard from him. Well, I did not hear from him, he sent me a box. That box was filled with flowers, chocolates, and a wine coupon. I could not even drink wine! He did not even know my age. I turned nineteen and I had a baby, his third grandson. He did not even meet his first or second grandson. He did meet his step son's daughter, his step son's daughter.

A few months after I had my son he finally called. He did not call for us. He called to tell my mom about his divorce. I guess since the wicked stepmom was gone he finally had time. A few months after I had my son, I got into a fight with his now proven not father. So, I got into a fight with my ex. HE was abusive. He was mean. He began to threaten me more than he ever did before. I guess you do lean to a man like your father.

I called my father for help. I did not know what that would do at the time. I called my father for help, luckily, at the time of his new divorce he was able to help some. Honestly, I would not consider it help after you hear what happened. I moved to North Carolina to get away. I told everyone I was moving to Colorado. The plan was to stay with my dad until I got my own place. I went to North Carolina hoping he changed, he did not at all. I got there and everything was good. He was helping me get into college. He was helping me with my baby while struggling with three other children. Everything was good until he started talking to my stepmom again.

He moved out leaving me by myself. I had no vehicle and no job. I tried to get one, but without a car, it would not be likely. There were weeks I had to use towels as diapers somehow. The thing that made it worse was my stepmom would come in and take the only food I did have. He came back every weekend, but it seemed like he was not even there. The only time he wanted to talk to me was when he wanted to talk about my stepmom. The last thing he said to me about her was that they were getting back together. That is when things started getting worse. This time he did not come back on weekends. He kicked me out of the house. I was a million miles away from my mom. I was a million miles away from anyone I knew. My mom had to borrow money from everyone to come to get me. Luckily, for me, she was able to get enough to come to to to get me.

After I arrived back in Louisiana I barely heard from my dad. The first thing he did was call my mom. He did not want to know about me. He wanted to make sexual advances towards her. After she rejected him he never called again. I left stuff in North Carolina and I needed him to send it. I left voicemail after voicemail. He was nice enough to send it at least. I guess he just wanted me out of his life again. My mom had three children with him. Those three children were gone from his life while growing up. He had three children again while we were still young. I guess he thought in life you get second chances. He wanted to try again.

This is a public service announcement to parents going through a divorce. If you have children small or big do not forget about them. Do not let your new significant other get in the way of your bonding. That being said, do not get with a significant other who is rude to your children, that is your blood. I grew up wondering why my dad never liked me. I never fully got my answers, but I received a few. Do not let your children grow up asking why they were not good enough. Think about where you are in life. Think about where you are in your divorce. If you have a choice to see your children, go see them!


About the Creator

Courtney Keller

I am still learning.

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