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Make Sure Kids Feel Safe in Stressful Times

The world we live in is magnificent most of the time, and dealing with the hardships is always challenging, especially for the youngest ones.

By Leila DorariPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

The world we live in is magnificent (most of the time). As wonderful as that may be, those who can get through the day without experiencing stress on some level are rare. The intensity of it can vary greatly; however, it affects adults and as well as children. While grownups deal with all kinds of nerve-wracking situations on a daily basis, don't think the kids are carefree just because they don't have an angry boss, short deadlines, or bills to pay. Meeting new people, looking for ways to fit in, and taking tests are just some of the examples of everyday situations that cause relatively small amounts of stress for children. The problem arises when the real crisis strikes and the amount of distress becomes unbearable. Kids are those who suffer the most, so it's necessary to get clued up about the ways we can provide them with help, protection, and support.

Main Causes of Stress

While children cope with stressful situations every day, that stress is normal since it comes from stepping out of their comfort zone. On the other hand death, divorce, abuse, natural disasters, wars, and terrorism are much more difficult to handle. With almost 50,000 divorces granted in 2017, it is undoubtedly one of the most common causes of stress with children in Australia. Their reactions will be different due to other factors like their age and personality, but shock, sadness, frustration, and anger are all to be expected. In order to provide support to their kids, parents first need to find support for themselves. For that reason, many parents going through a divorce seek help and much-needed advice from reputable divorce lawyers. A team of professionals will make your journey easier by efficiently handling your matters instead of you. This way, you can dedicate your time and energy to helping your kids go through the process with the smallest amount of stress possible.

Children's Reactions

Yes, most of the children experience stress to some degree, but their reaction to it varies greatly. Reactions to discomfort are unique and they reflect a child's age, ability to cope, the intensity of the stressor, and the support they get from their family. The change of behaviour is the first sign children are stressed. They will start acting differently and doing things that stand out from their usual routine or pattern. While some children may become more active or maybe even destructive in order to get more attention, others tend to become more withdrawn and insecure. Also, it is common that they will start acting younger so expect behaviour like thumb sucking or regression in toileting. Keep in mind that all these instances of change in child's behaviour are normal reactions to extreme stress and remember that they are temporary. What you can do is respond to them in a calm and caring way.

Coping Strategies

You don't have to be a psychologist to help children cope with stressful situations. Here are some ways to reassure them and help them feel safe:

Provide your kid with a safe environment. Children see and hear everything, so if you're watching the news reports about the natural disaster that has affected you, make sure your kid isn't around. Children are already upset enough, they don't need to see the images of destruction since it can only heighten the stress.

Encourage physical exercise. It will release tension and help your children relax. This way, they will be distracted from the stress and focused on something positive and energizing. You can also get involved in numerous creative DIY project which will be beneficial for children and parents too.

Stick to your family's daily routine. This will create a safe environment and consequently lessen the amount of stress. Pay special attention to nutrition and a bed-time routine.

Be a good listener. To be able to meet your child's needs you first have to know what they are. Having this in mind, take some time and give your children the opportunity to speak their minds. Let them acknowledge their feelings without feeling bad about themselves. Let them know you care and tell them about the things you're doing to keep them safe.

Remind them how strong and capable they are. Stress can cause many insecurities and self-doubt, so it's very important to boost their confidence level as much as you can. Instead of criticising them, focus on the positive things children are doing and point them out. They will feel empowered by the fact that they are capable of making good choices themselves that will keep them safe.


As much as we would want to, we cannot prevent our children from stress. What we can do, though, is to learn how to help them cope with it. There are many simple ways that can help us on that journey, and by teaching our kids the right strategies, we'll prepare them for all those difficulties that lie in the future.


About the Creator

Leila Dorari

Leila Dorari is a self-improvement enthusiast from Sydney. She is spreading the word about the different challenges one can take in order to upgrade their life. In her spare time, she is hiking with her furry four-legged friend.

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