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10 Ways to Get Your Kids to Enjoy Brushing Their Teeth with the Playbrush

Say goodbye to kids' cavities, and hello to a bright white smile with Playbrush.

By Mackenzie Z. KennedyPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

If there's one habit that's always been difficult to get kids to take up, it's getting them to brush their teeth at least twice a day. Children just don't feel like doing it; they feel like it's boring and that they have other things they could be doing instead (like eating candy, gum, or popcorn, for example).

Truth be told, brushing one's teeth has always been somewhat boring—but, it's necessary if you want to avoid getting cavities later on. That's why Playbrush is one of the best dentist-approved gifts for kids who need to get excited about brushing their teeth.

Do you have a hard time getting your kids to brush their teeth? Do they find it to be a waste of time that could be better spent playing in the tub or watching TV? If your child is one of those who needs to make things fun, then you're going to love Playbrush.

Playbrush is a toothbrush kit that comes with an app that lets your kids play games via their favorite mobile device. In order to win the game, the kids will need to brush their teeth using the strokes dictated by the Playbrush games.

Kids who do well with their Playbrush routine get rewarded.

If you ask any dentist, brushing one's teeth should come with the reward of having fresh breath and no cavities. Of course, kids don't have that foresight. They need to get a more immediate reward in order to feel excited about brushing time.

Playbrush's app rewards those who brush their teeth regularly with cool badges and congratulatory messages. Offering up a reward is the easiest way to make sure your kids look forward to brushing time.

When you're at the dentist, chances are high that you will hear some feedback about your brushing habits. Most of the time, it would end up being something negative. You might be re-schooled on how to brush your teeth, or told to brush more frequently.

Playbrush changes this by offering a brushing coach inside its app. You get real feedback that will help you brush better than ever before.

The Playbrush itself can be bought solo, or via a subscription.

If you are not sure whether Playbrush will help get your kid to brush their teeth, then you might want to try the solo edition, which offers game time, brushing coaching, and a single brush that you can choose to reorder if you feel up for it.

The subscription to Playbrush comes with more game time, more features, brush replacements on a regular schedule, plus a rewards scheme that adds even more encouragement for lazy brushers.

Having a kid who refuses to brush their teeth isn't easy. It often leads to parents arguing with their children, trying to cajole them into doing the right thing, or just altogether giving up.

Parents who try the Playbrush love what it does as far as motivating kids to become regular brushers. It cuts down on the stress of begging kids to brush, and also turns a chore into something that their children willingly do.

If you want to make sure your kid is getting all their spots, you also can peep what the app says.

You know how every kid seems to have that one place in their mouth that they never really brush? The app looks for that, and will actually go so far as to show how much coverage their brushing gets.

This is a great tool for parents who are concerned about their children developing gum disease, as well as parents who want to make sure they give their kids the best possible start towards good oral hygiene.

Even if you're not a kid, Playbrush can help you develop new habits.

Sometimes, adults miss out on developing the healthy habits that they should be getting when they are kids. Because Playbrush has an advanced brushing coach that also monitors oral health, it's a great tool for adults who want to learn how to brush better, too.

Of course, if you're young at heart, the games can definitely provide more incentive to brush up on brushing.

The Playbrush is kid tested and dentist approved.

Playbrush offers a manual brush, a sonic brush, and a lot of great advice for anyone who wants to develop better oral health habits. No matter how you look at it, it's a product that will pay back, offering you or your children a future of oral hygiene as bright as your teeth.

product review

About the Creator

Mackenzie Z. Kennedy

Socialite and dating guru Mackenzie Kennedy knows all about the inner workings of people and society as a whole. It's not only her lifestyle - it's her passion. She lives in Hoboken with her pet dogs, Cassie and Callie.

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