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Parenting Tips for Raising Teenagers

If you are worried or stressed with your child, these parenting tips for raising teenagers will come in handy.

By Jessica HerringPublished 7 years ago 5 min read

Raising teenagers isn't always fun and games. There are several times when you might want to pull your hair out because they are questioning your authority, asking for more independence, and acting out. Also, in the digital age, it is difficult to raise teenagers since you need to monitor their phone and computer to make sure they're not being bullied or using technology inappropriately. It can be a struggle successfully raising teens but these tips for raising teenagers will make your life easier. You will be able to ensure your children are safe and still have a close relationship with them.

Set ground rules and punishments.

One of the most useful tips for raising teenagers is to establish ground rules and punishments if they don't listen to you. Your child won't take you seriously or view you as the dominant parent if you don't have appropriate rules and consequences set in place if they disobey you. When establishing rules, be flexible and upfront with what you expect from them. Also, make sure to stay away from ultimatums. If you feel the need to punish them, don't lecture them on what they did wrong or be sarcastic. Instead, follow through on the agreed punishment for not listening. It's important to be consistent with punishments and not let them get away with breaking the rules. If you aren't forceful enough or don't always punish them, then your teen might feel they can easily bypass your rules and do what they want.

Be a positive role model.

This is one of the tips for raising teenagers that you shouldn't take too lightly. It's important to be a positive role model. You want your child to look up to you and to follow your lead. You should show them how to appropriately handle stress and live a healthy and happy life. Since teenagers are still in the process of maturing, they will usually replicate your actions if you display a positive example on how to act.

Communicate with teenagers on their level.

One of the best tips for raising teenagers is to communicate with them on the same level. If you can successfully connect with your child it will be easier to have them listen to you. Also, you will most likely have a closer relationship if they feel you take them seriously. To connect with your child you should shy away from yelling at them or making fun them. If you teen is crazed with their phone and loves texting, then you could text them a few times a day to check in. This way you're communicating with your teen on a medium that they enjoy.

Encourage teenagers to be independent.

Teenagers are at the age where they want to be on their own and not have to listen to your rules. They are usually very eager to make their own life choices and not have to explain their decisions to you. You should encourage them to be independent but not give them too much leeway. By not giving them any restrictions, you're sending the wrong message and can end up having a disobedient and reckless child.

Advise teenagers about useful life skills.

One of the most important tips for raising teenagers is to teach teens about useful life lessons. You should advise them on the importance of being honest, responsible, and respectful. Also, you can share your own life experiences with them and teach them how to learn from your mistakes. You can teach them skills such as cooking and balancing a check book. They will be appreciative later in life that you taught them these skills. A mom can teach their teen hard lessons about how to have a fun and fulfilling life.

Keep high standards.

One of the essential tips for raising teenagers is to maintain high standards. You should always encourage them to be the best person they can be and to be a hard worker. If you keep high standards, your child will take you seriously and feel more inclined to listen to you. Also, you should motivate your child to follow their goals and passions and support their decisions. Your child will enjoy knowing you are proud of them and their goals for the future.

Try and have meals together.

Families that have meals together usually are closer since it is a great time for you and your teens to communicate about your days and share stories. You can stay close to your child by sharing meals together, such as dinner and relaxing after a long day. Teens usually feel closer to their parents when they have time to bond together and share stories about their day. It might seem small but this is one of the tips for raising teenagers that can go along way and strengthen your relationship.

Encourage them to use their technology in an open space.

One of the necessary tips for raising teenagers is to encourage them to use their technology in an open space such as the family room. This is a great technique to have your kids stay safe online. By using their phones and computers in an open space, you can easily monitor their activities and steer them away from inappropriately using social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also try and prevent them from being victims of cyber bullying. Bullying is much more likely if you are not watching what your child does on the internet.

Try and be present with them after school.

It might come as a shock to you, but most kids get into trouble with their friends after school. Teenagers can engage in risky activities such as sex and using drugs on the weekends but it's more likely for it to happen after school when you would usually be at work. To try and avoid this from happening and not worry about your teen, you should try and be with your child after they get out of school to monitor their activities.

There you have it. These are the best parenting tips for raising teenagers that are out there.


About the Creator

Jessica Herring

I'm passionate about writing and traveling.

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