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He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

The death of my brother.

By AseetnahcPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

The first person i had ever lost in life was my Great Grandmother. I remember being around 4 years old and asking my Mom what happened when you died. She would always say you float to Heaven and watch over your loved ones.. told me "see that really bright star in the sky!? Thats great grandma shining down." I took comfort in knowing there was more to life than just earth.

At the age of 11 my brother committed suicide. I was 13 then, I can still remember the day quite vividly. Everything seemed rather usual.. us kids went to school, I came home to my mother leaving the driveway. She said "your brother is grounded but he can come out of his room for supper and to have a shower". What I didn't know was within 5 hours my life would change drastically.

Chase got a phone call around 8:00pm from our stepdad (Mike - he will get his own story someday), to wish him a Happy Birthday. - I forgot to mention Chase took his life 2 days after his 11th birthday. I could hear something wrong in my brothers voice after his phone call but decided to sluff it off as "he just doesn't like Mike".

8:30 pm I yell to my brother that its time for his shower... no answer. I turn the TV down and yell louder "Chase you can have your stupid shower now!" Still no answer. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach as I approach the stairs "Please God Please let everything be ok" I prayed aloud.

Chase was hanging from his bunkbed with a belt. I panicked and grabbed him crying "please don't be dead Chase, please please don't be dead", I screamed "Kaizer bring me the phone, bring me it now" all the while trying to release my brother from his bunk/belt.

It felt like hours before the ambulance got to my place, in reality it couldn't have been more than 10 mins. Our entire neighbourhood came to the house. I was in shock. They all asked me if I was ok but all I could think about was my mom and dad.

My mom had been at work that night and had no idea, dad was at his home 4 hours away. I remember seeing my mom at the hospital. Heartbreak written all over her face as she stared blankly, leg uncontrollably shaking, waiting and hoping for some good news...

Chase was flown by stars to Calgary's Children's Hospital, we got there as the helicopter landed.. it was an hour-and-half drive doing regular speed.

I told my mother "please don't tell me anything unless it's that Chase is ok." I wandered the hospital in hopes to distract myself.. all I could think of was how I could have helped my brother... what if I would have told him to shower earlier, what if I let him out of his room... what if we lived with our dad..

Finally, I decided to head back upstairs to see if doctors had made progress. That is when I saw it.. my fathers eyes were empty and hopeless. A man I only saw as powerful and strong, surrendered and grief ridden. I knew then my brother was gone.

My mother tried to hold me down as I wailed for my brother. She tried to soothe me but I wouldn't have it. She whispered the words "Chase is gone" in my ear, through the lump in the back of her throat.

Our family fell apart worse than it was. My mother was a wreck. Her leg didn't stop shaking for about a year or longer after his death. My father turned to booze and drugs as a source to cope. I turned to my friends. My baby brother, three at the time, would not know his brother. One side of my family blamed my mother, the other side blamed my father. My life had never been neat and tidy but it sure became a lot messier after this.

I just wish I could go back to a time when life seemed easy.


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